Saturday, March 21, 2009

Going, Going, Gone...

One problem with being on a two-year secondment and having a lot of friends who are also on secondments is that we all started at different times which means, of course, that we will end at different times. This past weekend marked a farewell weekend to my friends Jeremy and Erin who are also from the U.S. Jeremy came over here to NZ about two years ago from the Boston office with his wife, Erin (who is a fellow Yinzer by the way even if she has since become a traitor). I talked to Jeremy before I came over, and he was very helpful in my decision to come here (even though he forgot to tell me to bring the good deodorant from the U.S. and to ship over Doritos). It seems like somebody leaves here just about every month and it's kind of sad, but it's been great getting to know them and there will be more new people coming in soon to attempt to fill their shoes (won't be easy).

Their official leaving drinks and party will be this Thursday and Friday, but since I will be in Samoa for work, I was happy that they also had a get-together at their apartment this past Saturday. There was a USA theme and everyone wore some elements of red, white, and blue. We helped them finish off all their drinks so as not to go to waste when they move. I also took part in the Wheatbix challenge which is when you have to try to eat a Wheatbix (a dry, crusty, flaky, cereal bar that is meant to go in milk) in under 60 seconds. Nobody succeeded, but I had a respectable time of 80 seconds. We all had a good time hanging out until late then went out to a local bar for a drink before calling it a night. Jeremy and Erin leave next weekend to do a few months of traveling around Asia and Europe before heading back to work. It seems to be a pretty common theme here as my other friends who have left are still on their travels. I will have to try to save up some money to do a few months of travels myself (so send me US dollars!). Well, I'm off to Samoa tomorrow so there should be some good updates next week when I return.
Note: Jeremy and Erin have kept a great Blog of their two years here if anyone wants to check out what an exciting and busy time that two years in Kiwiland can really be.

Jeremy partaking in the Wheatbix Challenge

Erin made these fancy drink recipes in frames to help us finish off their liquor

We also helped them finish off some delicious (although stale) salt & vinegar flavored rice cakes. These things were covered in salt & vinegar powder.

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